Following the current Bollywood trend – sashaying down the ramp for top-notch designers – India's much-acclaimed director Mani Ratnam and his actress-wife Suhasini will be walking the ramp for the first time in support of ‘Save the Girl Child’ campaign to be held in December in Chennai, latest reports say. It is said that the couple catwalks for none other than designer Sanjana Jon, the organiser of the fashion week.
Talking to a popular news daily, Sanjana confirmed the news and said, "Yes, Mani Ratnam and his wife will be a part of my fashion show. We are figuring out how the show will fit in their schedule. My last show for ‘Save the Girl Child’ was in Delhi and now the next one is in Chennai. I am in talks with some Bollywood stars too. Besides, since the show is in Chennai, we have several South Indian actors too. Hrithik Roshan might also walk for the campaign."
Asked whether the Chennai show would feature Salman and Sushmita, who earlier were part of Delhi show, Sanjana added, "There was great support from them in Delhi. It would be a pleasure if they make it for the Chennai fashion week too." Hrithik Roshan is rumoured to have agreed to walk the ramp.
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Maniratnam,Suhasini Decide To Walk on Ramp
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