Ram Charan the Mega Power Star of Tollywood who rose to sky high after “Magadheera” is now busy working with “Orange” under ‘Bommarillu’ Bhaskar.
As per the grapevine from Tollywood sources, ram charan may take up his fourth project with Dharani, the flop director of Pawan Kalyan’s “Bangaram.”
Here does not end the issue, the story for ram charan’s fourth movie has become a discussion in film nagar circles. Sources say that, Dharani was given the time of four months to work on the story and script which will have the shades of Chiranjeevi’s all time hit “Khaidi.”
No confirmation was made from any of the sources, but it sure looks like an action entertainer in the format of “Khaidi” to come up as ram charan’s fourth project.
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